If you attended our 19th Annual Entrepreneur Conference + Expo, then you dipped your toes into the importance of aesthetics in your business. Aesthetic is the philosophical study of beauty and taste. The term stems from the Greek word “aisthetikos,” meaning “of sense perception,” and is related to the study of sensory values. Studies have proven the benefits of creating a great aesthetic in various aspects of business from marketing materials to product design. It leads to better usability and user experience - so, have you incorporated this into your business?
We’re back with our Digital Advantage team to provide some insight into what you need to know about aesthetics.
What is aesthetic design?
In modern society, it is a phenomenon that social psychologists call “the halo effect”. It bases the belief off the fact that the minds of humans tend to assume that good-looking people have other positive qualities aside from their physical features. This flows into the design of business products and services. When they are visually pleasing, they are perceived as more valuable and having other desirable qualities.
As the saying goes, “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” However, a misconception that some have is that aesthetics are simply sight-based and does not include our other senses. It’s truly a 4D experience, especially with the advancement in technology opening up more doors of opportunity to maximize on aesthetics - think VR and AR technologies.
How does it heighten the senses of consumers?
There are 5 important categories to consider when achieving an efficient aesthetic.
Vision - This is the first and most dominant sense to consider. Our sight can act as a magnet attracting beauty to our eyes. It’s based on the key elements of visual aesthetics, such as the color, shape, texture, visual weight, balance, pattern, line and movement.
Hearing - Ears are capable of perceiving an aesthetic, as well. The ability to hear how smooth a product is operating or the tone of notifications from a digital product can impact your user experience. The key elements for sound include loudness, beat, melody, pattern, noise, and repetition.
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