FELICIA SEARCY: That’s great. So, let me back up a little bit then because what I help people understand is that when we’re talking about full spectrum, it’s to understand that we are constantly creating our experience, correct? That we’re the only species on the planet that has the ability to consciously choose the images that we mentally rehearse. So, hang with me Phyllis cause I’m gonna wrap this back around to what you’re talking about in terms of permanence.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Most people, number 1, don’t realize that. And if they do realize that, then they're allowing what’s happening outside here and history, past conditions, and current conditions to generate the internal images. Now, why this is important is because quantum physics is now proving what spiritual masters have taught throughout the ages is that what we predominantly, mentally rehearse then translates into the feeling in our body, which then sends out this magnetic signal to this invisible field, which then organizes according to the results that we are transmitting with our images. We give it the pattern, it organizes according to that pattern and creates our results.
Now, why this is important to what you’re talking about is that to the degree of our ability to really understand that’s how results are created. We become so committed to number 1- really tapping into that life force that’s seeking a greater expression by means of us which is your dream. We talk about permanency, all of this out here is malleable, it’s continually changing. The permanence is what I call the law - to understand our capacity to actually influence and create our results. Now can we stop everything? No. Can we use this to ensure that nothing bad ever happens to us? No, but what it does is that it allows us to realize that there is that and us that is bigger than any outside fact and condition.
When you begin to realize that we really do have this ability to consciously choose images, and you make a decision to start working with images that absolutely light you up, and you allow those to be your guiding force rather than the images of how do I protect myself. You come to trust something so much bigger than just your human capability and you understand that even though you have conditions, your conditions don’t have you. That’s then where this sense of peace and well being that you’re talking about comes in. That’s where the permanence, for me, that’s the permanence, that there is this power so much greater than me that is always calling me into a more expanded version of myself and when I learn to live from images that I love I’m learning and deepening my relationship with what’s real, true, and permanent.
You come to trust something so much bigger than just your human capability, and you understand that even though you have conditions, your conditions don’t have you .
Self-Awareness is Key to Turning Dreams into Reality
PHYLLIS SMITH: And self-awareness is the first step.
PHYLLIS SMITH: It’s like your 12-step program - why do people stand up and say, “Hi, my name is so and so. I’m an alcoholic. (or) I’m a drug addict.”? Because you have to first know what’s going on with you before you can actually make the change.
FELICIA SEARCY: Yeah, yeah, and let me be really clear that I came through the program called Al-Anon for family members of addicts. So one of the things that I help people understand is the most powerful tool is to notice what you're noticing. Your dream then gives you the comparative element, right? That you can develop self-awareness, but if there’s nothing to apply it to then it’s a concept, it’s an abstract. But when you have a dream that are images that are more expansive than your current life and here’s the real key to this: Your dream is not for the getting. Your dream is for who you grow into in the process. And so you begin to build out an image of the person who grew into this magnificent being that’s now a match for that more expanded image of life.
Your dream is not for the getting, your dream is for who you grow into in the process.
As you start building out an image and building out a relationship with that person, now you’re able to notice when you’re on or off in terms of with the person living this level of success, and the person living at this level of awareness. What would they be doing right now? What would they be thinking? If this condition happened how would they respond to it? Now you’ve got a comparative element. You have an image. You see who you are today, you see your habit of how you react to certain things in your world and as you develop your capacity to literally step back and observe. To notice what you’re noticing.
Then you learn how to do what I call the pattern interrupt where you interrupt the thought pattern that created the current result and you ask, “What do I want to know instead right now?” “Who do I want to be?” “How do I want to show up. The person that created this result - what’s the action that they took in this moment?” That’s a tool that nobody can ever take away from you, and it is not outside conditioned-based. It’s internally directed. When you think about it, that’s real freedom to be able to consciously choose in any given moment how you’re going to show up, who you’re going to be, what’s the action - as you have this dream that then becomes the container that then informs and defines that whole internal conversation.
When you think about it, that’s real freedom to be able to consciously choose in any given moment how you’re going to show up
Self-Worth is a Human Condition
PHYLLIS SMITH: How important is self-worth? Because I think one of the things that holds people back is they see it, they see Felicia’s all great and happy and isn’t she fabulous but I’ll never get there. But it really comes down to, I don’t deserve it. What kind of role does self-worth play in it, and what’s a good step to start taking now, today, to start building on that sense of self-worth?
FELICIA SEARCY: I love that question. I think a sense of undeserving, of unworthiness is the fundamental human illness that everything is stemmed back to that. I know it was for me. That feeling like I had to apologize for even taking up space on the planet.
Number 1 is to realize that it is a human condition and then to really start building an awareness of how you got here. You know what, you didn’t wake yourself up this morning. You can’t even take one breathe on your own. You didn’t put yourself here.
I’m going to borrow from an ancient text and some people may recognize where it comes from and this isn’t a matter of being religious. In all ancient texts there is truth. There’s a story about creation where this infinite energy, whatever you wanna call it, looked upon the void and said, "Let there be." It looked upon a void, and it saw something missing. What was missing? You. The only thing that could fill that void was you. And so, this creative intelligence wove you into existence from the only substance it has to use which is substance of itself which is love itself. That you were created from the very substance of love, and the more you come to know that you are here by divine appointment, and to understand that that sense of unworthiness, that’s just a habit. That somebody, and a very unskilled way programmed this into you, but it’s not reality. It’s not true. The more you’re able to be in awe of how you got to be here - if you think about the human body alone and the beauty and the elegance and the complexity of the human body - what energy would create something so magnificent as this human body that, by the way, we as human beings have not been able to replicate that, and then say, “Go, have a medial or unworthy life.” It just, it’s too much. I mean logically it’s too much of a disconnect.
So, one of the ways to help really grow a greater sense of worthiness in just be in awe of yourself and really to start interrupting the pattern, and surround yourself with people who are able to see you for who you really are, and understand that it is a process and it can be done. You can scrape away all those layers of lies and come down to what is true.
One of the ways to help grow a greater sense of worthiness is just be in awe of yourself.
What Would I Love?
PHYLLIS SMITH: When you wake up in the morning, and if you’re not feeling that sense of love and gratitude, something's gotta change. It does. The first thing is this awareness and this gratitude. I love that when you kind of look at the big picture and hone in on that it starts here. Then hone in on the fact that you’re even here on this planet, and you’re walking this earth, and your body - I’m always in awe of how the body is perfect. And you know, people who suffer from weight issues, for example, the body wants to do the right thing. It wants to do the right thing, it wants to eat the right things, and it will try to compensate, and it you just gotta allow it.
Felicia, we can talk all day long, and I would love to but unfortunately, we’ve run out of time. Give people what they can do the minute they stop listening or stop watching this video? What can they do right now today?
FELICIA SEARCY: Right now, today I encourage you to commit your life to living the most powerful reverent question that you can learn to live from which is, “What would I love?” Because when you learn to live from that question, what you’re doing is that you are understanding that love itself is seeking a richer, freer, fuller expression by means of you. When you learn to live from that question and build out a life that you love, not only are you blessed, but this is truly how you bring your greatest contribution to the body of humanity.
PHYLLIS SMITH: Beautiful. Thank you, thank you so much. It is such an honor to know you to have you a part of eWomenNetwork. Namaste - may the light in me honor the light in you.
FELICIA SEARCY: Right back at you Phyllis.
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