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3 Strategies to Build Your List
Growing your list is crucial to growing your business. As Sandra Yancey so eloquently stated at this years eWomenNetwork Entrepreneurs Conference & Expo, “you need to have a way to develop your following and build your list. If you’re not doing that, then you’re not growing.” With all the ways to grow your list out there, it can be not only overwhelming, but also a challenge to figure out what to focus on in order t ....Read More
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eWomenNetwork Inc. on 07/27/2018 09:31 PM
Anne ~ Remember Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" book? Well, "Return on Influence" reminds me of that book, only written from a digital marketing perspective. It's filled with all kinds of great supporting interviews and case studies. I wouldn't call it a casual read, but it's definitely worth it! Enjoy!
eWomenNetwork Inc. on 07/27/2018 09:20 PM
Ohhhhhhh, Melissa!!!! Wait til you start reading The Platinum Rule. My friend, Zig Ziglar (may he now rest in peace), always said that "you can get anything you want in life if you are first willing to help other's get what they want." He is right … and The Platinum Rule is the book that taught me how to do it!
eWomenNetwork Inc. on 07/27/2018 09:17 PM
Johnell ~ It's scary how much we are alike! My original copy (yes, I have more than one) of the E-Myth is full of underlines, highlights, comments in the margins and "dog-eared" corners!!! That's a sure sign of a well-read book!
eWomenNetwork Inc. on 07/27/2018 09:15 PM
Great suggestion, Karen! I sometimes love it when a colleague reads the same book as I am reading. It's fun to see which passages or chapters resonate with each of us. And it is sometimes illuminating to notice the differences in how we might interpret different parts of the book. And it sure does help to keep each other accountable to finish it!!
eWomenNetwork Inc. on 07/27/2018 09:13 PM
Kathy ~ So glad you enjoyed the blog. I'll be curious to find out which book you pick up to read next! ;)
eWomenNetwork Inc. on 07/27/2018 09:12 PM
Wow, Lisa, thanks for sharing your connection to The E-Myth! That's so cool. To this day, when I evaluate my own behavior and think about what "I can do" to serve my company better, I often think of the three different roles that Michael talks about in his book, and can often make little shifts that yield big improvements!
eWomenNetwork Inc. on 07/27/2018 09:09 PM
Jean ~ You will love The Magic of Thinking Big. It's soooooo juicy and inspiring! What I really love about this book is that you can read it now, maybe pick it up again over the holidays, and "voila" you will read things in a whole new way! It's just that good!
Anne Garland on 07/27/2018 02:27 PM
Hi Briana, great timing as I am looking for some non fluff beach reading since returning from the very inspiring eWomenNetwork conference in Dallas. I've read the E-Myth and indeed an important read for any entrepreneur. My first choice however is the "Return of Influence". As an influencer myself I am always looking for the latest in social networking and how to build that in tandem with my #1 in person networking. Then onto "The Platinum Rule". Thanks for the inspiration!
Melissa Kaye on 07/27/2018 12:42 PM
Thank you for the recommendations! Two of the books I've read (and am a big fan) but The Platinum Rule and Return on Indluence are new to me! I'll be ordering them now and am excited to dig in and continue adding more tools to my "knowledge bank" so that I can join that "Made it to a Million Club!!!
Johnell McCauley on 07/27/2018 12:29 PM
I love starting my day with at least 30 minutes of reading. Sandra suggested the E Myth to me and I read it in 5 days. My copy if full of notes, ideas and pages I reference often. It helped me get really clear on how and where to spend my time. I am 1/2 way though The Magic of Thinking and it is also full of great ideas that challenge the way you think.
Karen M Fisher on 07/27/2018 02:51 AM
Briana - thank you for this awesome article. It made me feel GREAT after a rather rough day to know that " the mega-successful have one thing in common. They read. A lot." It was just the God-Wink that Sandra talks about and just what I needed today to tell me I AM on the right path as I am a voracious reader already ! Kiki! I've read the eMyth more than once! If you, my Tucson friend, would like to meet up for a mini "book club" session I am all in!!
Kathy Keegan on 07/27/2018 12:51 AM
Loved this article. Thank you for these great suggestions. The eMyth is fantastic. I’ve added the other 3 to my reading list!
Lisa Rothstein on 07/27/2018 12:23 AM
I wrote marketing copy for the EMyth company throughout all of 2017 so I was steeped in their philosophy: that most business owners are really "technicians" who need to train themselves to think like a true entrepreneur and CEO, not as the person who does and makes everything in the business. EMyth coined the phrase "Work ON your business, not just IN it." I helped them sell this idea for a year, but I still need to sell myself on it every day!
Jean Tillery on 07/27/2018 12:02 AM
The E Myth sounds like a great place to start.....but I am drawn to "the Magic of Thinking Big". I have heard Sandra talk about thinking big, but it took me attending the eWomenNetwork International Conference to push me from "I need to think bigger" to "I can think bigger" and this book will push me straight to "I AM thinking bigger"
Thank you Brianna for the recommendations.
I am off to Amazon!
eWomenNetwork Inc. on 07/26/2018 08:25 PM
Hi Kiki! It's a great choice anytime, but especially when you are just getting started! It one of my all-time faves!!! Enjoy! Sandra
Kiki Simpson on 07/26/2018 06:04 PM
I'll be starting with the E Myth... Since I am just getting started, I feel this one will be most helpful at this time. I'd love to hear some comments from anyone who has read any of these!